About Me

Dr. Korner

I earned the doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania and have been in private practice for 43 years with a specialization in child, family, and marital psychotherapy and psychoeducational/neuropsychological evaluations.

During this time, I have been appointed to the following positions: director of the child and family unit, Benjamin Rush Center in Philadelphia; director of psychology and assistant professor of psychiatry at New York Medical College-Metropolitan Hospital Center, New York City; and associate professor (tenured), doctoral program in child-clinical psychology and director, school psychology program, Seton Hall University. I have also held the position of coordinator of special education at the Harrington Park School District. As a private practitioner and a special education coordinator, I understand the views from both sides of the fence and am able to not only provide comprehensive independent evaluations that will meet your district's requirements, but also can help to navigate the child study team process. My work as a therapist is informed by my many years of practice and I am able to adapt my approach to the needs of the individuals, couples, and families with whom I work.

I am actively involved in my professional community and was appointed to chair the continuing education committee of the New Jersey Psychological Association, be a media spokesperson for psychology as a member of the media committee of the American Psychological Association, and was elected president of the Bergen County Association of Licensed Psychologists.

I have also maintained an active presence in the professional community by offering over 60 presentations and publications. At present, I am spearheading an initiative with a consortium of professional organizations to revise the eligibility requirements for special education in New Jersey to reflect current science and neuropsychological practice. 


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